json-gen-c  0.1.5
json-gen-c generate C code for json manipulation

build test action


json-gen-c is a program for searializing C struct to JSON and deserializing JSON to C struct back. It parse structs' definition files then generate C codes to serialize and deserialize structs.


Build and Install

sudo make install

To build example, tests, and benchmarks

# build ./target/example
make example
# build ./target/test/unit_test
make test
# build ./target/benchmark/json_bench
make benchmark

Quick Start


Define Structs

For example, create a file name struct.json-gen-c as contents below:

struct A {
int int_val1;
int int_val2;
long long_val;
double double_val;
float float_val;
sstr_t sstr_val;
int int_val_array[];
B b_val;
struct B {
int id;

Note that we don't use C-style string char*, a more resonable type is sstr_t. You can find more details about sstr_t in document of sstr.

Compiling Your Struct Definition File

json-gen-c -in struct.json-gen-c -out .

This generates the following files in your specified destination directory:

  • json.gen.h, the header which declares your generated structures and functions.
  • json.gen.c, which contains the implementation of your functions.
  • sstr.h, sstr.c, the string manipulation helper functions that generated code depends on.

Use Your Generated Codes

To Serialize Structs to JSON

struct A a;
// set values to a ...
// ...
sstr_t json_str = sstr_new();
json_marshal_A(&a, json_str);
printf("marshal a to json> %s\n", sstr_cstr(json_str));

To Serialize Array of Structs to JSON

struct A a[3];
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// set values to a[i] ...
sstr_t json_str = sstr_new();
json_marshal_array_A(a, 3, json_str);
printf("marshal a[] to json> %s\n", sstr_cstr(json_str));
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

To Deserialize JSON to Structs

// const char *p_str = "{this is a json string}";
// sstr_t json_str = sstr(pstr);
struct A a;
json_unmarshal_A(json_str, &a); // json_str is a type of sstr_t
// ...

To Deserialize JSON to Array of Structs

// const char *p_str = "[this is a json string]";
// sstr_t json_str = sstr(pstr);
struct A *a = NULL;
int len = 0;
json_unmarshal_array_A(&a, &len, json_str);
// ...
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {

The Format of Structs Definition File

Define a struct like:

struct <struct_name> {
<field_type> <field_name> []?;
<field_type> <field_name> []?;

The field type can be one of the following:

  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • sstr_t
  • bool
  • a struct name

If a field is an array, just append [] after the field name.


// initialize a struct
// always return 0
int <struct_name>_init(struct <struct_name> *obj);
// uninitialize a struct
// always return 0
int <struct_name>_clear(struct <struct_name> *obj);
// marshal a struct to json string.
// return 0 if success.
int json_marshal_<struct_name>(struct <struct_name>*obj, sstr_t out);
// marshal an array of struct to json string.
// return 0 if success.
int json_marshal_array_<struct_name>(struct <struct_name>*obj, int len, sstr_t out);
// unmarshal a json string to a struct.
// return 0 if success.
int json_unmarshal_<struct_name>(sstr_t in, struct <struct_name>*obj);
// unmarshal a json string to array of struct
// return 0 if success.
int json_unmarshal_<struct_name>(sstr_t in, struct <struct_name>**obj, int *len);


Codes of json-gen-c are licensed under GPL-3.0, except for the codes it generated. The copy right of the codes generated by json-gen-c is owned by the user who wrote the struct definition file, same as the copy right of a PDF file generated by Latex is owned by the user who wrote the tex file.

void * sstr_t
sstr_t are objects that represent sequences of characters.
Definition: sstr.h:73
void sstr_free(sstr_t s)
delete a sstr_t.
Definition: sstr.c:47
sstr_t sstr_new()
Create an empty sstr_t.
Definition: sstr.c:41
char * sstr_cstr(sstr_t s)
Return C-style string representation of s.
Definition: sstr.c:85